Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Front cover ideas.

This on one of my front cover ideas. I have designed it as a busy magazine because i will be selling it to middle classes and they would prefer to see what's in side the magazine before looking and to get drawn in by it.
The title is positioned at the top of the magazine to make it easily identified. The consumers can easily see the title as it is in a very cliché postion. The main image has been placed in the centre of the magazine, where it will recieve the most amount of attention. i believe the image is the main part of the magazine to draw the reader in, so it has to be big and easily seen. The image goes under the title to make the title stand out a little more over the image. The main image is an medium close up shot because so the image can sit perfectly on the magazine. On the left third, i have decided to set the cover lines out, this is because the left third is the first seen, so i could place a few of the cover lines in which at least one is bound to attract the audience. On the other side of the magazine are images and headings of previews into the magazine, giving you a clear identfication of what is in the magazine. The coverline goes across the bottom of the magazine. This is so that it can be identifed easily and seen by the consumers. The coverline should attract the users with either a pun or alliteration. The barcode is positioned in the bottom left hand corner where it is not very noticable and doesnt cause any attention. There is a competition banner which will attact consumers as it gives them a chance to get involved in the magazine.

This front cover has been designed with the main image in the centre where the most attaction is. It goes over the title because this will be a well known magazine in which consumers will recognise the masthead/logo. The masthead is centred at the top which is quite abnormal for a magazine but this will give the magazine a USP and difference in which the audience will be attracted to. Down the left third consists of images and previews into the magazine to make the reader interested to the magazine. The consumers will be able to see whats in the magazine so they know what they are buying and if it is to their tastes or not. The coverline is slightly rotated so that it is easily seen and is different. I think the coverline is positioned and stylised in a good place because it stands out and draws attention. The puff will bring out the magazine and make it look much better and appealing.

On my third and final design of my front cover,  i have positioned sections more carefully and freely. This is because i do not want my magazine to look cheap and compact. I started very simple by putting the masted along the top. This is so it can be seen and nothing can interfer with it. The image is on the right hand side. For this magazine, i planned for the image to be a medium shot, so it shows some of the body. This is different to usual magazines as they usually do medium close ups. I would like the image to stand out and to do this i plan to make my model dress bright and vibrant. The Coverline covers the magazines third quarter and will also cover the image slightly. This is to bring the main coverline out so it can be seen against everything else. Down the left third, there are mini coverlines and images that will be a preview into the magazine. At the bottom, there is a banner which contains images going across which will show competions, insights, previews/interviews.

From these three front covers, i have chosen to make and finalise the third design. This is because it is different and consists of simple features. I want my magazine to look high class and proffesional but to also attact the right audience; middle classes. I believe the third design shows this and represents what i am trying to get across to my readers. My main aim will be to attract the readers and i will do this through language and images.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Initial story ideas.

Story idea 1: Back to back!

This story is about my main model, Rachael, that is linking up with another artists to form a duet. The name of the coverline is very effective as it has used alliteration and repetition to draw the readers attentions in. The coverline is short and snappy and really would attract the readers eye so they would want to know what the coverline is about. The story will be very exciting and new as it will not be any ordinary artist that she duets with, it will be a rap artist. This brings a surprise to all.

Story idea 2: Transparent:Opaque!

This coverline is a paradox, which gives a strong meaning behind it. This story is about a new band called Transparent, however, on the contrary, this band is opaque and can be seen by many. This band will be at the top and this effective language attracts the audience into the story. The new band consists of one female and two males. The band will make a huge impact on the audience as their are not many bands about.

Story idea 3: The Rise to Fame!

This coverline tells the story of a younger pop artist coming out of her shell and changing into a confident, strong woman. This story is going to be an interview so the readers can become personal with the artist and see what she actually thinks without someone talking for her. i have chosen the name, 'the rise to fame,' because Rachael will be rising into the fame world as she influenced by fame and publicity.

The story idea i choose is'The Rise to Fame.'
However, i will be using the band story for a lil story in the magazine.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Colour scheme.

The colour scheme is very important for my magazine, this is because the colours attract the audience most.  The colours need to compliment each other and stand out against each other. To begin with i will look at the primary and secondary colours to get an idea as to what colours compliment each other in what ways. I can see from the colour wheel that the opposites compliment each other the most. 

Colour schemes - 

This is my first colour scheme and includes light colours that compliment eachother. I would use use the yellow as the background because it would be hard to read if it was used as text. The darker lilac would be used to highlight items and make them stand out.

This colour scheme conveys a sense of innocence to the magazine. This makes the magazine more approachable. I would use the last colour as the back ground so all the other colours will stand out.
This colour scheme is very strong and conveys a retro theme in the magazine, this makes the magazine different to others and stand out suffienctly to the other magazines.

For my magazine, i choose colour scheme 3 because i know it would make a big impact to my magazine.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Questionnaire results.

I conducted a poll on the side of my blog so that i could see what my audience thinks about my magazine and ideas. The most people that answered the poll was 15 -20, this is part of my main audience age group that i hope to attract. The highest gender was female, which is good for me as they are my main target audience. I will be attracting my magazine to females as my magazine will include info on mainly female artists.
Out of two of the magazines i analysed, i wanted to find out which of the magazines my audience preffered to give me an idea about layouts and colour schemes. I also asked about the colours on the magazine that i will be making and asked the audience whether they preffered bright or subtle colours; both were equally preffered. Finally i asked about the price at which my magazine should be retailed, the answers showed that £0.60-1.00 and £1.10-1.50 were the highest ranked answers.
I believe this questionnaire helped me a lot and made me take my audience more into consideration and get their opinions and likes.

Experimenting with fonts.

These are some of the fonts that i have looked at for the planning of my magazine. It is important to plan and compliment the genre to the font. For example, i would relate a big, bold, choppy font to a rock genre. As my genre is pop, i think it would be related to fun and exciting writing.
My favourite font out of these would be the california one because it really stands out to me and contains difference. I believe it would look good across the page and looks fun and and interesting.
The bubblegum font also stands out to me as it looks like bubbles and as the genre is pop, this could relate eachother. This font looks very fun and bold. Overall, all the fonts are different and i would need to test them with the actual name of the magazine to see what looks best.

I tested all the font and none really stood out to me as a pop magazine. I looked through more fonts and found that 'love ya like a sister' was a better and more effective.

This is my final font with the chosen font name. i believe it works really well and is perfect for my magazine.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Magazine title initial ideas.

- Luscious 
- Turn it up
- Lollipop
- Pop it
- Listen
- TPM; (the pop mag)

Three favourite names; 
Lollipop - I like the name lollipop because it sounds fun and inviting. The title includes the genre of the magazine which give a clear identification of the genre. My magazine will be sweet and attracting to a young audience which kind of relates to lollipops.
Listen - This name is very simple and is an imperitive which will intice the reader. The word 'listen' relates directly to music which makes it clear to my audience of the genre.
Turn it up - This clearly relates to music and is also an imperitive. 

Friday, 11 March 2011

Target Audience


Selena gomez is an 18 year old girl that would be perfect for my audience. She's in to pop music and likes to know what's in the charts at all times. Selena is an average girl that has high expectations in life and would like to go somewhere with her future career. She is very studious but still likes to know what's happening in the pop world. Her interests are music, acting and swimming and she is always busy. As she is a busy girl, this magazine will be perfect for her because she can pick it up and know what's happening in a matter of minutes all in one place.
My magazine will be aimed at girls aged 16-25 that are in the social classes BC1C2. My magazine will not be a very high price because the audience i am aiming it at could still be in school and only earn a little. The circulation numbers will also affect my price. I do not think my circulation will be that big as i have a small target audience and it is not a real wide range genre. I believe i would sell my magazine for around £1.99.